Well, that set of instructions has worked for others before.  The HTTP 
header problem may be there if your script does not print out a line
like "content-type: text/html" at the top with a blank line after it.
And usually REBOL is popping up because the -c or --cgi option was not 
set up properly so that REBOL runs in CGI mode.

I thikn that info for WinNT may have been missing the --cgi part in
the line 'c:\path\to\rebol.exe --cgi %s %s'.  There should be a --cgi
in there to prevent the window from popping up and do all the useful
CGI stuff.


> Hate to be slow, but I followed the directions (I think) to the T--.  When I
> tried to run a simple form with the code from your howto page, I got the
> following:
> CGI Error
> The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
> HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
> Also, when I submitted the script, an instance of Rebol opened on my
> machine??  Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Mark

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