I can't seem to get cgi-bin stuff working properly, and the problem seems
sort of strange.  I'm using the latest Rebol on a late (2.2 kernel) Red Hat
Linux.  I have a file (test-cgi.r) which has the magic incantation on the
first line:

#! /usr/local/bin/rebol --cgi -s

followed by the script in question.  The script file is owned by the web
server user (nobody) and executable by owner.  Whenever the web server
(Apache, late version) invokes the script, the script spits out the
initialization text (Finger protocol loaded /n Whois protocol loaded etc.)
followed by command usage text, then invokes the script.  I thought --cgi
suppressed that?

Further mystery:  when I invoke the script directly by hand (i.e.,
./test-cgi.r) from the shell, the same thing happens, and the script ends at
the Rebol REPL prompt without exiting the interpreter.  OTOH, when I invoke
it by hand from the shell indirectly (i.e., rebol --cgi -s ./test-cgi.r) the
initialization text etc. is suppressed and the script exits as expected.

I'm sure this is brain-dead stupid, but any thoughts?


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