Hi Bob,

if I'm not mistaken, it is here where you are loading the file containing

> if exists? %articles/stor  [ stories: load %articles/stor ]

try the following instead:

if exists? %articles/stor  [ stories: reduce load %articles/stor ]

At 06:57 PM 3/9/00 +0000, you wrote:
>The example below reads a web page of alternating headlines and
>associated stories.  If the same headline appears on a later scan
>the story is ignored.  It saves elements parsed from the webpage
>as an array (block) of structs (object!s).
>It cannot seem to restore them cleanly when rerun later.
>why? How do I get around it for now?
>I have simplified the example below.
>REBOL [title: "sample story fetcher" ]
>stories: make block! 25
>story-tmpl: make object! [
> head: none
> body: none
> topics: none
> dest: none
> fileto: none
> ]
>page-parser-rules: [
> any [
> thru "headline:"
> copy headl  to "story:"
> thru "story:"
> copy story-body      [ to "headline:" | to </BODY></HTML> | to end ]
> (store-story)
> ] ]
>headl: make string! 30
>topic: make string! 30
>story-body: make string! 300
>store-story: func [ /local  sry ] [
>        ; drop dupes...
>        foreach st stories [
>                if st/head = headl [ return false ]
>               ]
>; fill in struct
>        sry: make story-tmpl []
>        sry/head: copy headl
>        append stories sry
>        ]
>go: func [ /local c ] [
>    if exists? %articles/stor  [ stories: load %articles/stor ]
>    c: read  http://localhost/storygenerator.cgi
>    parse c page-parser-rules  ; calls store-story when "headl" filled
>    save %articles/stor stories
>    ]
>;# mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

;- Elan >> [: - )]

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