> > At 01:25 PM 1/28/00 +0100, you wrote:
> >
> > >PS: does it do smooth scrolling? ;-)
> >
> > Hi Petr,
> >
> > If you are expecting Flash, you'll be disappointed, BUT if you are looking
> > for an insanely easy way to create GUI interfaces, you'll be very happy!
> Ah, so the static content, right? I thought so. In such case - is /Media still
> planned?
> Jim, also - if you want to step into embedded market, you need cool stuff like
> transparent windows, fading effects etc. Give us such primitives and we will
> build Scala like wipes combining them, right, Steve Shireman? :-)
> If you will not provide such or similar functionality, you will not succeed in
> embedde market imho ... ;-)

Well, with Scala MM100 on the PC, I think Scala had to write their own
sub-OS, to get around deficiencies in the Windows OS.  With the Scala
MM200, they were able to use DirectX which probably made things a bit
easier for smooth multimedia effects.  On the Amiga, they pushed it to
the max, to be able to get the effects they did.  An Amiga 1200 with an
accelerator can perform quite favourably with my 133Mhz Pentium PC. 
What I'm saying is that their is a lot of work involved :)

So to have smooth Scala like wipes, they would probably have to employ a
number of people to just work on the graphics subsystem, especially to
get it to work on more than a couple of platforms.  Or just get everyone
to buy fast machines.

Julian Kinraid ....... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ....... ICQ:17257217

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