I am using rebol/view beta;
code is as follows:
username: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
password: "xxxxxx"
site: "www.matnet.com/"
ftp_site: join ftp:// [username ":" password "@" site]
file: "test.txt"
dest_file: join ftp_site file
;fp: open/lines/mode  %test.txt [read write lines] 
; the code at the line above works
fp: open/lines/mode dest_file [read write lines]
forall fp
  if(find first fp "three")
    print first fp
    insert next fp "line four" ; script crashed here
close fp
;;The code above generates a Application Error in 
;;  Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, Service pack 3
;;  Rebol/view is then aborted
;;  Let me also list what DOES work:
;; appending time/date stamp as thus:
write/append dest_file join "date: " now
;; is successful

;; if fp is pointed to the same file on my hard drive
;;   as thus:
fp: open/lines/mode  %test.txt [read write lines]
;; the text "line four" is successfully inserted

;; It appears to me that the program failure is at the
;;  code :
insert next fp "line four"
;; because if that code is commented out, the script
;;  enables a read at the remote site file.

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