Hi Francois,

I copied and pasted your data into a file that I called unique.dat. 
I wrote a little script and put it in the file unique.r

Here's the script:


data: read/lines %unique.dat

get-column: func [ table [block!] column [integer!] /local result] [
  result: make block! length? table
  foreach entry table [
    append result pick parse entry none column
  return result

unique?: func [item [string!] column [integer!] table [block!]] [
  table: get-column table column
  return empty? intersect reduce [item] table  

save-record: func [ "dummy function. displays data that should be saved"
record ] [
  print ["saved:" mold record]

unique-data?: func [] [
  forall data [
    date: first parse first data none
    next-data: next data
    either unique? date 1 next-data [
      save-record first data
    ] [
      print "found duplicate"
  data: head data
  print "done"

;- Elan >> [: - )]

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