>    Title:  "day of the Week"
>;figure out the number of days in this month and print
>; figuring out how many days in month
>; one way that seems intutive if I could do somthing like=20

The 'standard', if there is such a thing, for figuring out
the day of the week is "Zeller's Congruence".  His formula
might help you out.

Sorry that I didn't take the time to convert it to Rebol. 
Would like to see it that way if some one is so inclined.

/* Zeller's Congruence: From "Acta Mathematica #7, Stockholm, 1887.

Determine the day of the week give the year, month, and the
day of the month; which are passed in the structure 'utc'

return(  0 = Sunday...6=Saturday ) and also set utc->wday

J = Century (ie 19), K = Year (ie 91), q = Day of the month, m = Month

March = month #3....December = month #12,
January = month #13, February = month #14 OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR.

[q + [((m + 1) * 26 ) / 10] + K + (K / 4) + (J / 4) - (2 * J)] % 7
 Because of the "% 7" term, -(2*J), and +(5*J) give the same answer.


UINT weekday( gmt )
struct utc *gmt;
 UINT  mth, year, cent;
 register UINT temp;
 year = gmt->year;
 mth  = gmt->month;

 if( mth < 3 )
  mth += 12;

 cent = year / 100;             /* 19th, 20th, or 21th etc century */
 year %= 100;                   /* Tens of years (00->99) */
 temp  = gmt->day;              /* Start with the day of the month */

 temp += (((mth + 1) * 26) / 10); /* Advance to the start of the month */

 temp += year;                  /* [K]   Add in the year */

 temp += (year / 4);            /* [K/4] Correct for leap years */

/* Because of the "% 7" term, -(2*J), and +(5*J) give the same answer: */
 temp += (cent * 5);            /* [J*5]  Correct for centuries  */

 temp += (cent / 4);            /* [J/4] Give extra day ever 400 years */

 temp %= 7;                      /* 7 days in a week */

 if( !temp )                    /* Wrap Saturday to be the last day of week */
  temp = 7;

 temp -= 1;                     /* 0 = Sunday...6=Saturday */

 gmt->wday = temp;

 return( temp );

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