I am impelled to say something in Elan's defense here. As the publisher of
several hundred books and author of over 80, I can tell you that book
publishing is an oftentimes tedious, always very complicated process with
numerous levels to be achieved and resolved. Sometimes the public does not
understand and we get yelled at for being "slow" when we are moving heaven
and earth to ship titles. Many things in this process are beyond the control
of author or even publisher, especially book manufacturers who tend to take
their own jolly good time and the heck with the publishers announced
schedule. Yes, I would love to have Amazon.com ship my copy on order of
REBOL: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE, but I know it will come when it comes and that I
will then find Elan's Herculean effort in writing it to be of great benefit.
The current delay is far beyond the control of either Elan or REBOL
Technologies. But it will come. As the immortal Orson Welles said (albeit in
one of his more commercial moments) "No wine before its time." Of course,
these delays do explain why publishers and writers often drink a lot of
wine<g>, it's a stressful biz.

Ralph Roberts, CEO
Alexander Books / Creativity, Inc.
65 Macedonia Road
Alexander, NC 28701
1-800-472-0438 voice & fax tollfree U.S. & Canada
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> Is anyone else seeing a close similarity to Micro$oft here?
> Paul
> >Subject: [REBOL] official guide, again Re:
> >Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 23:05:38 -0700
> >
> > >Is the book available yet, or not?
> >
> >
> >No, but soon.
> >
> > >
> > >Thanks.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >;- Elan >> [: - )]
> >
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