Subject  :   [REBOL] REBOL for DOS Re:
>From     :   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To       :   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date     :   Thu Apr 13 09:25:07 2000

>But on the other hand - it's also question of simplicity. We don't need
>all that W95 underlying infrastructure to maintain to just use a REBOL.
>That's the reason I think DOS still fits my needs. What other "simple"
>OSes are left? Linux? Not all that easy. Upcoming Neutrino? Standalone
>Amiga/Elate? Maybe DOS is ugly OS, but it is lightweight and boots fast.
>Still not sure RT will reconsider REBOL DOS release though ...

Have you tried BeOS?
Powerful as Linux, GUI interface, et al.
Take a test drive :-)
<> <>

Also - just to be on the Rebol topic.
I'm playing with Rebol in the nntp area.
I've tried a few test posts (cut and paste from the How-to, aamof) but my 
server keeps flinging them back - no subject. I managed to get one through, 
with no subject. Anything obvious I'm missing?

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