Hi Ryan,

you wrote:
>Original (with three urls in the block)
>        adnumber - 1 * 3
>        random (length? banner-db) / 3
>        make-banner/ad 3]
>My changes (with six urls in the block)
>        adnumber - 1 * 6
>        random (length? banner-db) / 6
>        make-banner/ad 6]

The 3 in adnumber - 1 * 3, that 3 does not stand for number of entries in
the database. It stands for the length of a database entry, i.e. each entry
in the database consists of three items:

>       http://www.schonder.com  %/graphics/bannerads/schonder.gif
>               "Papier-Schonder KG office supply and bookstore"

1. the url:  http://www.schonder.com  
2. the banner file: %/graphics/bannerads/schonder.gif
3. the accomapnying text: "Papier-Schonder KG office supply and bookstore"

You added 3 more companies, fine, you therefotr changed 3 to 6 in your call
to make-banner/ad 6, that's fine, but you now have 18 entries in the
database, six records of length 3 each, and not 36 entries. But when you
call make-banner with the ad refinement, get
adnumber - 1 * 6

is 6 - 1 * 6 = 30. No wonder you get none.

;- Elan >> [: - )]

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