Thanks, Chas, although that message was quick and had a few typos.

Yes, I've considered writing a book on REBOL and may very well do so. I love
the language, that's for sure.

As to "style," I've never worried overly much about it, but having written
some 80 books and a few thousand articles, I've perhaps developed one. All
of which is nice, but I still have to take the trash out on Monday

But, seriously, this mailing list has given me a lot of tips in learning
REBOL and I like to try and give back a little. We're all in this together.



> I like your writing style! Have you considered writing a REBOL book?
> >Of course, it would be uncivil of me to just brag about the neat
> ap I wrote
> >without telling you HOW it works. It's pretty trival; the real
> headache is
> >getting the HTML commands to format right--nothing to do with the REBOL
> >code, HTML is just a pain on good days.
> ...
> >Meanwhile, enjoy. REBOL truly is Perl without the complication.
> >
> >--Ralph Roberts

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