Thank you Allen.  I plead guilty to not having fully studied the user guide
which is the closest thing to comprehensive documentation.  At least I scanned
it carefully (more than you can say for most programmers)!

The Guide takes a worm's eye view of the territory, not a bird's eye view.  It
reminds me of the old Inside Macintosh books.  I tried to learn Mac programming
from those books (thick as they were) and got absolutely nowhere.  A magazine
article hit the nail on the head when it paraphrased the Mac API as the assembly
language of interface programming.

I work as a professional software engineer and know several languages, compiled
and interpreted.  Learning curves are not mysteries to me; I know what they look

The real point I am trying to make is that a dictionary-style documentation, or
slew of examples, is the hard way to learn anything.  I could tell you to learn
the English language by reading the dictionary.  Technically speaking it covers
everything you need to know, but then again -- it doesn't.  The Guide takes an
approach that is just barely one level above a dictionary.  It categorizes REBOL
thingys into groups of thingys without saying what makes a REBOL program a REBOL

There needs an architecture discussion to lend coherence to the whole situation.
Especially useful would be

- background philosophy
  (why REBOL?  what's better about it?  white paper time!)

- comparison with another language doing the same task
  (esp. Perl which seems to be the main competition --
  comparative examples are often the most important)

- visual block diagrams instead of words
  (show me the chain of evaluation in a flow chart
  not a dictionary presentation which asks me to reconstruct
  the flow based on dry definitions)

- clarification of the 31 flavors of REBOL
  (/core, /view, /whatever /else) - what are they, when
  are they planned to ship, what is the price tag,
  why so many flavors

- clarification of exactly what things are done
  behind the scenes and how
  (memory alloc, run time typing, etc.)

These suggestions are given in a spirit of constructive critique.  The point
here is to convey the mind of the language designer to the readers.  Then
examples will fall neatly into place.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 7:15 PM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL and e-commerce Re:(5)

Hi Mark,

All Rebol scripts are documentation, don't look for all your answers in manuals,
spend time reading the example scripts, each one is a mini how-to document.

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