Yes, please send it.  And thanks!


At 11:01 AM 5/24/00 -0700, you wrote:
>You probably wont need it, but I now have source for that available on 
> > I love the inline frame tag, but unfortuneately its not well supported 
> yet. That makes
> > it a bad counter since you would only count those browsers that support it.
> >
> > After viewing your counter I got an idea you might like.  You can have 
> your REBOL
> > counter preprocess your web page--much like the way PHP or SSI 
> does.  Have it parse
> > your web page looking for a special text like ~counter.  Once this text 
> is found it
> > would replace it with the actual count.  This way would let you use 
> your favorite html
> > editor to create and edit the page, and still have an easy to create 
> program.
> >
> > You could also use tags like <REBOL-counter>, just 12345, or whatever 
> sequence you
> > feel appropriate. This could be useful for doing quotes of the day, 
> random jokes, time
> > and date, and all that other fun stuff.
> >
> > This would only add about 3 or 4 more lines to your existing counter 
> script. Hint: use
> > the replace function.  You will also need to tell the webserver that 
> your printing
> > html by first printing "Content-type: text/html^(0A)^(0A)".
> >
> > Best of all, it would count everytime.
> >
> > --Ryan

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