>When the program try to download something and the line it's ocupied by
>another program I get an "timeout" error.
>When the line it's available it work OK.
>Thanks in advance,
>    A.D.ing

I would like to help, but that ain't anywhere near enough info to help us solve
your problem.
We can't read your mind.  What are you downloading, what are you downloading it
What is this line that's occupied? Is it a dial-up connection?  Which one are
you using?
Is Rebol involved somewhere, because it's not mentioned here so far.  What speed
modem, if you are using one, etc.  Can someone else try to duplicate what you're
Would you like to share the program with us so we can see how you're doing it?

The only people I know who could solve your problem with so little to go on
are the telephone psychics I regularly use.  Usually I call 1-900-you-fool.
It's only $30/min.!
They seem to know what I am going to say even before I've said it.
It's just incredible %P

p.s. don't take this personally, I'm just having a little fun entertaining

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