Yes, there are some recycling issues that we are addressing at this very moment.  Will 
keep you posted.


At 6/19/00 08:56 PM -0400, you wrote:
>Goal, Mt. GigaJunk, a gigabyte of junk.
>just as before, having given up on open/binary/direct followed by insert tail,
>I am using write/append now to avoid buffer problems and not being able to
>jump to the tail of the file to append with the open command.
>Now I got another problem.
>I had %waste2, now an 11 meg file of junk.
>I have %waste, now about 143 meg and growing.
>when I do this, it works:
>x: read %waste2
>write/append %waste x
>so far so good, but if I do this, it fails out of mem:
>for i 1 50 1 [write/append %waste x]
>so, I did what any fool with memory problems does:
>for i 1 50 1 [write/append %waste x recycle/on]
>and at least now it is still running.
>of course, this was /Core.  Still haven't had time to try /View.
>Can Rebol reach the peak?  That is the question!

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