> This also points to a potentially larger problem in
> that Rebol doesn't appear to handle any protocol
> not based on TCP.  And unfortunately you can't create
> your own sockets (to do a ping you need a different
> socket type than TCP) which means no UDP broadcasting/
> multicasting, etc. can be done.  This is one area
> that I would like to see /Core improve on (and I would
> really like to see it as /Core, NOT /Command).  But yes,
> you can use /Command to call into your own ping function
> if you had to.

"I believe IRC uses UDP which should be fully supported very soon." - Those
were the words of Bo some time ago :-)
As for /Core, - yes, it should be part of it if implemented.

btw: I've heard UDP is used for Ethernet? Is it right?


> Rodney

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