On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, you wrote:

> This also points to a potentially larger problem in
> that Rebol doesn't appear to handle any protocol
> not based on TCP.

REBOL handles UDP as well. The UDP handler that is part of Core 2.2 has a few
bugs though, which were fixed in VIEW and will also be fixed in the next
Core releases. Even in Core 2.2 you can send UDP packets. Receiving does not
work in that version though.

REBOL currently handles all protocols based on IP which work across platforms
and can be supported without requiring su privileges.

> The fact that using ICMP might require superuser (admin)
> priveleges is a user issue only and should not affect RT's 
> decision to implement it or other basic socket calls.

It would mean that anyone using Unix would have to either install REBOL
as setuid (which would be a Very Bad Thing because it would allow any user to
run arbitrary REBOL scripts with root permissions), or the use of ping and
other ICMP-based functions would be restricted to the superuser (probably not a
good idea either).

Holger Kruse

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