
I've been trying to put together a list-box of text using Vid's  list 
keyword, and while I can get the box to show the initial text okay, I
can't work out how to update it.  The following's a simple example of
the approach I'm using...


test-list: [["item 1"]["item 2"]["item 3"]]

change-list: [
    test-list: [["new item 1"]["new item 2"]]
    list-box/data: test-list show list-box

view layout [ size 300x150 backdrop 130.130.150
    list-box: list 200x120 [ text 200x15 [do change-list]]
    data test-list map [text]

This will place the "item 1", "item 2", and "item 3" strings in the
box, but when I click on them to [do change-list], nothing changes,
the "new item 1" and "new item 2" strings not replacing the list as
I'd hoped they would.

So, is the   list-box/data:  I'm using in change-list wrong, or is
there something I'm leaving out?

Carl Read.

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