Alessandro Pini ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >- Open Your Mind -<
>Quoting from Brian Hawley's message (08-Jul-00 01:31:18).
>b>       This either means resorting the list after every
>b> insert, using an incremental insertion sort, or making
>b> sure the data is inserted in order.
>Hmmm. :->
>You mean something like this invented example?
>   >> probe data
>   == [15 98 60 52 10 2]
>   >> insert/sorted/compare data 15 :method
>   == [98 60 52 15 10 2]

I mentioned three methods. Since we were talking about
working with key/value pairs...

table: [1 "1" 2 "2" 5 "5"]
key: 4 value: "4"

Resorting the list after every insert:
 >> sort/skip append table reduce [key value] 2
Hey, at least the sort is in native code. Depending
on the method, it could be optimal when the table
is already mostly sorted (read: Not quicksort).

Incremental insertion sort (linear search):
 >> while [
        any [(tail? table) (key >= first table)]
    ] [table: skip table 2]
    table: head insert table reduce [key value]
Binary search would be faster for large tables, but
it's a little more complicated.

Making sure the input is sorted in the first place:
    (sort input here)
 >> append table reduce [key value]
Doesn't work very well when you can't sort the input
in the first place.

Does that help?

Brian Hawley

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