
I looked at MySQL a bit. All languages except Java connect to MySQL
with a C library. Java (as well as REBOL) can't do this in a portable
way, so there's a JDBC driver written in Java which connects with a TCP
socket (and a binary protocol). It's available with source (LGPL
licensed) at http://www.worldserver.com/mm.mysql/

The code that's required to connect and issue a SQL command is quite
small and I think it should not be too hard to rewrite in REBOL.
Bigger problem is interpreting record sets in binary and converting
them to some useful REBOL "structures".

Michal Kracik

> > so where's a link to MySQL and PostGresSQL socket connectivity
> > BTW, if you write a MySQL protocol handler, I could find a good use
> for it... :-)
> > It would be great to connect rebol to MySql, but then I don't know if
> MySql runs on as many platform as does rebol/core
> If Command had MySQL support out of the box, I could put it to work on
> paying projects the day it ships. (I get paid, Carl gets paid.)
> Without MySQL support, REBOL is still a hobby (sigh), leaving me
> stranded in the JSP/PHP zones.
> -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
> -- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
> -- Tel 716 425-0252; Fax 716 223-2506.
> -- http://www.husted.com/

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