> > We could at least get REBOL much more accepted and popular if /Browse
> > would exist for IE and Mozillla/Netscape at least, or just making
> > agreement with MS or AOL to include REBOL/View amongst their install
> > options. Of course /View capabilities (e.g.) VID are not still set in
> > stone, but ....
> I doubt that MS would like to support a new way to bypass their technologies
> unless is was forced on them.

Hmm, their technologies? What do you mean by "their" here? HTML is not their,
although they are trying to introduce new stuff even here sometimes ....

> Even then they would be squirming. Consider
> their response to Java and the JVM. Even before that they were not
> interested in the web - no - more likely hating the thought of what HTML
> could do to the use of the Windows API. Why because, roughly, both are GUI
> descriptions.

OK, I thought REBOL/View could be concidered plug-in rather than JAVA like
competitor. And there's plenty of plug-ins delivered with browsers - just look
at Netscape help/about-plug-ins menu ....

> Now we have RT producing Rebol/View. View will compete with HTML, Java,

Hmm, do we really want to compete at current initial state of things? I thought
we are thinking about REBOL being complementary or supportive technology, rather
than competitive one ...

> Windows API, etc. Ambitious, but timely. In the marketing speak, the
> impression is formed that View is aimed at a niche, but that niche is the
> same one the rest of the world is aiming at as well.

Well, I just don't believe today is another way than thru public presence.
/Express will surely bring RT some money, but not enough popularity. I don't
believe in such kind of marketing going thru big and reach companies only. Look
at ICQ, Gnutella, Napster - all becoming stars thru public use, not corporate
one ... That's why I proposed RT should concentrate more on core technology, and
bringing in more mechanisms for media stuff, effects etc.

> All these languages and technologies are fighting for mindshare.

I dare to consider REBOL being more platform than "just" language or technology

> MS wants
> first retain mindshare, then to keep converting that mindshare to dollars in
> the most extractive way possible. Same for all commercial technologies.

MS? So try with others - Opera, Mozilla, Netscape, etc ... we need REBOL/View
bundled ....

> Look at some of the competition.
> HTML. Today's standard - for applications delivers similar performance to a
> green screen 20 years ago but with more complexity. For designers, HTML is
> not a medium to work with it is a beast that has to be tamed - repeatedly
> for each browser, each version, each new W3C inspired "good idea ... at the
> time".

OK, you are right, but I still think we have to fill gapes, complement current
technologies, not go against them ...

> JAVA. As far as I'm concerned, a nice 3GL. In computing terms about 10 years
> too late - would have been great when client server became the rage.
> Windows API. Well not really part of today's scene since everyone is talking
> the Net - who wants to develop for one machine/platform any more?

.Net is FUD. The are stealing from others. Look at what is amiga doing with Tao
technology .... Much cooler  and will win. I pray for times where good
technologies wins over commerce ....

> So will View win? I don't know. A better question is will it survive and be
> prosperous - I certainly hope so.

I wish so too ...


> Brett.
> P.S. When I first saw that Rebol was destined for the Palm I thought Coool -
> 'cause I've got one 'em. But I can understand the limitations. Now what I'm
> really interested in is how can Rebol work with the Crusoe chip. I suspect
> it could make some really nice uses of this chip. Though I'm guessing that
> it might be a while yet to see what opportunities open up with it.

What has to do REBOL with Crusoe chip? REBOL is hosted, so it has to live upon
existing OS infrastructure. Once you've got some OS running upon Crusoe chip
(which is X86 compatible anyway), you can ask RT to support your OS. Or you
thought about Crusou containing REBOL instead of X86 code? :-) Sci-fi :-)

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