Hi all!

You can find attached a little (in)utility that contains a couple of 
interesting issues (at least, I believe so!) .
You can find an example of a variable-length block of words supplied 
to the 'foreach' construct and the use of 'bind' to refer the single 
words in an inner 'foreach' loop.
Since the context-binding issue is a bit hard one (to me, at least), 
I think this script could be useful to some beginner... in addiction 
to the enlightening reading of "REBOL, The Official Guide" ;) (BTW: 
great job, Elan. Really!)

Obviously, I'll be very happy to learn something more, if someone 
tells me I'm totally dumb and that it exists a far simpler way to 
accomplish the same task. ;)

In particular, I'm not happy about the way I had to force a result 
for the second 'try' clause in the no-error case to prevent 'error' 
to remain undefined.

Here's the function, while the file attached contains a complete example.

break-textfile: func [
     {It breaks a main text-file in a number of text-files with a 
fixed number of lines.
     It returns  the created files' number or a standard error object.}
     source-filename [string!] "The file to break"
     prefix [string!] "A seed for the files' name"
     storage-directory [string!] "The name of the storage directory"
     number-of-citizens-per-file [integer!] "The number of lines per file"
     /local counter citizens-group postfix
     if error? error: try [citizens: read/lines to-file 
source-filename] [ return disarm error]
     counter: 0
     citizens-group: []
     for i 1 number-of-citizens-per-file 1 [
         append citizens-group to-word join "a"  i
     foreach :citizens-group citizens [
         bind citizens-group 'a1
         postfix: head either  (length? to-string counter) = 1[insert 
to-string counter "0"][to-string counter]
         if error? error: try [
                 if not exists? join %"" storage-directory [make-dir 
join %"" storage-directory]
                 filename: join %"" [storage-directory "/" prefix postfix]
                 if exists? filename [delete filename]
                 foreach citizen citizens-group [
                     if not none? get citizen [write/append filename 
rejoin [ get citizen newline]]
                 "dummy value for 'try' to return"
             ] [
             return disarm error
         counter: counter + 1
     return counter
     Title:  "Text-File-breaker"
     Date:   30-sep-2000
     Author: "Paolo Russo"
     Owner: "PERD s.r.l."
     Site: http://www.perd.com
     Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     File:   %textfile-breaker.r
     Version: 1.0.0
     Project: 'srr
     Purpose: {
         It breaks a main text-file in a set of text-files with a 
fixed number of lines.
     Comments: {
         This script contains a couple of interesting issues (At 
least, I believe so!) .
         You can see an example of a variable-length block of words 
for the 'foreach' construct.
         In particular you can observe the use of 'bind' to refer the 
single words using a reference to the block
         in an inner 'foreach' loop.
     History: [
         1.0.0 30-sep-2000  "Main layout" "Paolo Russo"
     Category:   [script utility]
     Needs: [2.2]
     Language: 'English

break-textfile: func [
     {It breaks a main text-file in a number of text-files with a 
fixed number of lines.
     It returns  the created files' number or a standard error object.}
     source-filename [string!] "The file to break"
     prefix [string!] "A seed for the files' name"
     storage-directory [string!] "The name of the storage directory"
     number-of-citizens-per-file [integer!] "The number of lines per file"
     /local counter citizens-group postfix
     if error? error: try [citizens: read/lines to-file 
source-filename] [return disarm error]
     counter: 0
     citizens-group: []
     for i 1 number-of-citizens-per-file 1 [
         append citizens-group to-word join "a"  i
     foreach :citizens-group citizens [
         bind citizens-group 'a1
         postfix: head either  (length? to-string counter) = 1[insert 
to-string counter "0"][to-string counter]
         if error? error: try [
                 if not exists? join %"" storage-directory [make-dir 
join %"" storage-directory]
                 filename: join %"" [storage-directory "/" prefix postfix]
                 if exists? filename [delete filename]
                 foreach citizen citizens-group [
                     if not none? get citizen [write/append filename 
rejoin [ get citizen newline]]
                 "dummy value for 'try' to return"
             ] [
             return disarm error
         counter: counter + 1
     return counter

; Collect params
prefix: ask "Prefix for files to create: "
source-filename: ask "Complete path to the file to split: "
storage-directory: ask "Name of the storage directory: "
until [
     all [
         not error? try [ number-of-lines-per-file: to-integer ask 
"Number of lines per file [ > 0 ]: "]
         number-of-lines-per-file > 0

; Execute function
probe break-textfile source-filename prefix storage-directory 
Paolo Russo
PERD s.r.l.
Virtual Technologies for Real Solutions

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