my other post (Ultimate 2 columns' requirements) for my detailed reasoning,
but there are times when CSS simply just doesn't (=can't without hacks) get
the job done.

Is that shortcoming of CSS or just browsers? What do you call hacks?
Is "faux columns" technique a hack?

Nothing worn and pointless about it, it is a regular occurrence within web
site design that you want or need to be able to do this. CSS is not yet able
to do this. Maybe when all table elements within CSS are fully implemented
it will be.

So is this "CSS not able", or IE?
I am nitpicking on this, because I feel it is important to make this

And it will be easier to remove hack (which are far less necessary
than some think)
from your single CSS file when that browser catches up, than clean up
you multiple
html pages (or templates) from tables.

""It has been said that CSS layouts are more search engine friendly and are
leaner and quicker to download...it is not necessarily the case - table
layouts with external style sheets for styling can be just as lean as CSS
only layouts""

They can be lean, that's true, but I don't remember seeing much of these.
As for "just as lean" – I'd argue this is not true.

Why should
someone that uses a table for layout purposes, when appropriate, not have
validation or respect from their peers, or be looked down upon as incapable,
old fashioned etc?
I have read somewhere that one of the original mentioned uses of tables in
some old HTML spec *was* layout. Can anyone verify this?

So it _is_ old-fashioned?

I am not that allergic for table layouts, and I agree that there _may_
be cases where
table layout is appropriate – but I just don't see that.

Either site uses zero tables for layout, or tens and hundreds.
And "appropriateness" is such a gray area...

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