Mike at Green-Beast.com wrote:
Lachlan Hunt wrote:
Interesting. Did you consider developing a system that makes use of the <map> element?"

I did note it lacks some backwards compatibility

From the spec:
| Note. MAP is not backwards compatible with HTML 2.0 user agents.

I think that can be safely ignored these days. All browsers still in use support <map> and <area shape="" coords=""> just fine. There are problems with using <map> with <a shape="" coords=""> because IE only supports them using <area>.

I do wonder about things such as adequate link separation

What do you mean?

and assistive technology support.

All modern AT should support them just fine.

I feel comfortable offering these hotspots in the form of a list of links, but the "Map" element, by virtue of its name, seems like it might carry a lot of weight.

What weight? Map is designed to describe areas of an image. It basically does what you're doing with CSS positioning, but by using semantic elements that describe the image.

Not sure if it would be in the right direction though.

Why not?

Lachlan Hunt

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