On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 07:18 pm, Martin Heiden wrote:
> Gaspar,

> From a user perspective it would be more useful to describe the link
> in the language of links destiny. If I were on your site and I
> couldn't understand Portuguese, I would definitely prefer a link with
> text in a language that I understand... Don't you agree? ;-)

I agree - another option is to use small icons that are flags of the nations 
associated with the destiny language - English uses UK/US flag (I've even 
seen this as a combined flag), German the German flag, French the French 
flag, etc. Most web users associate these flags with the correct language 
even if the linking text is in another language or they are from another 
country like Australia where the predominant language is English or 
French-Canadian use the French flag.


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