On 7/22/06, Al Kendall wrote:
try these   http://www.html.it/articoli/nifty/index.html

At 05:06 AM 7/22/2006, Janos Hardi wrote:
This solution has nothin to do with common semantics - not recommended.

Janos, may I assume that it's the use of the B tag you're objecting to, rather than the addition of DIVs to the markup to support the rounded corner effect?

Alessandro Fulciniti, the author of that technique, uses B tags simply for brevity of markup -- ironic, because while saving six characters for each element (using B instead of SPAN) he's adding a couple of dozen for inline styling. He says, "A few words on the use of the <b> element. I needed an inline element to obtain the rounded corners, since it could be nested in almost every kind of tag mainting the markup valid. So the choice fell on b because it doesn't have semantical meaning and it's shorter than span, like Eric Meyer said."

We're currently using a different rounded corners technique on our site http://juniperwebcraft.com/ but similarly adding markup with JavaScript; we're adding classed DIVs to the markup and keeping all the styling in an external stylesheet. (Look at the generated source with the Firefox webdev tool, not the simple page source, to see the resultant markup.)

I don't think Fulciniti's technique should be discarded simply because of his debatable tag choice when there are other neutral elements that can more innocuously substitute.


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