Ted Drake wrote:
How many people on this thread are actually using IE7?
I am, for one, with a standalone solution.
If you run the standalone versions you are going to
have problems. It's not a clean solution.
I never had any problems and I use all the standalone versions I could get, from IE3 to IE7.
  Microsoft has recently made their
virtual PC software free, that is the best way to run multiple browsers.
Sure, it's going to require more disk space and a legitimate version of
windows, but it will also save you a lot of wasted hours when your registry
gets corrupted by the repetitive install/uninstall/standalone hack process.
I know, I've felt the pain.
Virtual PC may be free now, but the guest operating systems aren't, AFAIK. Besides, my Windows is legit, but it's the home edition and Virtual PC doesn't run on it (I know I should have chosen the professional version, but that was not an option at the time because the machine I wanted was not sold with it... It's sometimes hard to live in a small country!).



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