Dani wrote:
If developing for IE is a genuine issue for you, ... I'm sure you could find a 
cheapish one
on eBay or something similar;

Thanks Dani,

but I have IE5, IE5.5 and IE6.0 running on my PC,  .. it's not that...
(although IE7 testing is proving difficult)..

It's the Mac problem. There's no way my department's budget will
extend to purchasing an old Mac just for testing purposes, and even if
that happened, I'd then have a fight on my hands with our IT
department about network points and security issues.
It's just so frustrating .. I can have all the best intentions in the
world, and sing my "I support this but I can't/won't support that"
song as long as I want .. bottom line = if even one user feels like
they are being cheated of an experience that everyone else gets, then
I feel like I've failed.


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