L-J Lacey wrote:
I know it seems incredible, but there are many large
businesses that I know of that will only allow IE to
be used. I was as shocked as you but on further
investigation into one such organisation it seemed to
be a matter of cost as the users didn't have
permission to download any programmes/software/etc so
IT would have to come round to everyone's machine
individually to install it.

and that would cost money

pants excuse I think...but these kind of organisations
won't listen to any sort of reason!

We-ell, having been an IT manager in my time, 90% of your user base in a big company is less than technically ept, to say the least, and half the rest just want to load up Kazaa so they can download music. Most large organizations I know of lock down the desktop to minimize damage.

It's frustrating when you're one of the few who is capable of downloading useful stuff and maintaining your own machine, but IT managers are responsible for any illegal software found on the network, and they'll get a right bollocking if an audit finds porn on some tosser's system as well.

It's the exceptions that are the expensive items in terms of support. If everyone runs the same desktop, it can be a lot simpler to maintain.

The IT managers who have my respect are the ones who recognize that not all users are created equally and can make exceptions that help the business. But then, I don't respect that many IT managers :-p


Mark Harris

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