If you need to use the target feature, use an apropriate doctype for that .
To legate systems, sometimes you must use a transitional or even a
loose doctype
The feature (for some :) is still there


On 8/15/06, Michael Yeaney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok...fair enough....but consider this (very OT):  The C/C++
programming languages have had the ability for many years to cause
havoc on a machine when one of it's most powerful features (pointers)
is mis-used.  In response to this, there have been many libraries
developed to wrap this language feature in 'safe' clothing.  But, did
they remove pointers from the language??? Absolutely not....it's there
to use, and also to mis-use (at your own risk).

I feel the same way about things such as the (loved??) IFRAME/FRAME
tags.  These are horrible to use on sites where SEO and accessibility
are of top concern.  However, when developing the web versions of
desktop applications (i.e., not necessary or desired to allow linking
to every page, and not SEO....nor will they hardly ever be - these are
typically bought by businesses and deployed internally to solve a
business process need), these 'useless' tags turn into gold mines of
features without writing the reams of JS necessary for a modern AJAX
experience.  Again, they are just another (useful) tool in our toolbox
- not correct for every situation, but very useful from time to time.

Hmmm....so what is the NPV of the original $.02??????


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