Hi Christian,
So, I am quite clear on what you DON'T like - but what about these great combination menus with CSS and javascript? Can you point us to some of your work? I am not really interested in key tab navigation right now - I'd just like to see:

1. How good these 'super-valid' menus can look.
2. What methods are used to achieve them and how they cope with the 'turning off' idea I have mentioned above.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

I'm sure Christian will respond, but I would like to offer some input, as well. Based on our last go'round here, I'm pretty surre I understand your perspective, which I fully respect. What comes next is not preaching and is not meant to be condescending, so please don't take it that way.

Making a navigation bar that works with JavaScript disabled is not bad. Christian's points about presentation vs. behavior are valid points, but perhaps a bit esoteric in some contexts. My position is simple, a menu should be accessible and usable. Can you always be perfectly accessible or perfectly usable? No. But you can address big issues, like:

Javascript support and timers to prevent premature or unwanted closing or changing of sub-menus. Without script, these kinds of menus simply will not work in 80+% of the browsers in use worldwide. That can be addressed by activating the links on the root menu items to load the relevant page, while using CSS to force open the associated sub-menu or, if that's not convenient, to include the sub-menu links within the flow of the page's content. An example of that can be seen here:


The above page also addresses keyboard navigation, by hiding the sub-menus. This prevents keyboard surfers from having to tab through links that are hidden offscreen. Imagine how frustrating that can be. Of course, one can script in full keyboard support that emulates what Windows or OSX does with these kinds of menus - but that severely bloats code and often requires a mini user-guide for site visitors :-) So, in the example site, the menu is purely additive and must be combined with an intelligently structured site that contains relevant link in the page flow to help pull people through the site.

With certain menu orientations, you can use images to mitigate problems caused by diagonal mouse or pointer movements - even in a so-called "pure CSS menu"... as in this page:


Of course, you can use a "pure CSS menu" in an orientation that works within the inherent limitations of such menus by configuring a vertical drop-down limited to a single sub-menu level:

I hope this helps someone.

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