I do know Leonie Watson and several of her colleagues at Nomensa personally,
and they are highly regarded here in the UK. Leonie was the chairman of the
Association of Accessibility Professionals -
http://www.accessibilityprofessionals.org, an organisation that promotes
accessibility and web standards.

I suspect that whatever she wrote has been selectively edited to support the
rest of the article (this has happened to me more than once).

Steve Green
Test Partners Ltd / First Accessibility

Mark Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's a horrible wet Sunday so...
> Christian Montoya wrote:
> > It's a really poor article altogether. 
> Agreed
> > The writer 
> Katie Ledger is a *presenter* not a journalist of any depth or note 
> AFAIK, so that explains the lack of research and understanding.
> > only interviewed *1* person, not an expert, and clearly someone with their
> own bias. 
> To be fair, Leonie Watson is blind herself [1] and seems at least as 
> well qualified to comment on accessibility as most I've encountered. I 
> don't know her personally (I live on the other side of the world) but 
> I'm willing to accept her opinions as valid in her experience. I don't 
> think you can dismiss her completely.
> > The
> > writer talked about *1* website, a completely unique example which
> > took *a lot* of money and work to accomplish. 
> That's a key problem with the article - it makes accessibility sound 
> really hard and something you have to get experts in for.
> > The writer didn't do her
> > research about CSS, and never mentioned section 508, valid HTML or any
> > of the other HTML-based accessibility/well-formedness measures. 
> Writer != journo, as mentioned earlier. But you can't really knock a 
> British writer for not mentioning an artificial American "measure" that 
> only applies to American Government agencies. I agree about the lack of 
> research though.
> > The
> > writer also mentioned *1* court case, and made it seem like only *1*
> > person has a problem with Target. That's just not how you write
> > articles. Throwing together all this barely related information
> > results in an article that is just about useless to the reader.
> Click is a television program. Television is, by nature, superficial.
> My take on the piece (one of about 3 on the site) is that someone at the 
> BBC said "we really should do something about this accessibility thing. 
> Who knows anyone?" and from there the trail lead to Nomensa and Watson. 
> Alex and Tony muttered about agendas and I do suspect that Nomensa has 
> an agenda to do with Flash - it does appear to be the only technology 
> mentioned on their site, and a quick search for "CSS" and "Cascading 
> Style Sheets" turns up nothing. I suspect they put out a press release 
> or something which someone handed to Ledger.
> I'm not sure what they expect to achieve with that agenda though...
> BTW They did a report [2] into accessibility of UK Central govt sites 
> which is interesting, although Jan 2005 is an age away now. It's not 
> downloadable from their website, but you can sneak it out of google ;-) [3].
> [1] http://www.nomensa.com/about/key-people/leonie-watson.html
> [2] 
> [3] 
> Cheers
> mark
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