typo century not century to :0(

On 30/10/06, Rob Kirton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
FAO Katie Ledger

I (undoubtedly along with others) found your article "designing a more accessible web" to be of great interest.  My particular interest lies in the field of accessibility and standards, and I feel compelled to contact you with respect to material inaccuracies in your report that may have given the wrong impression.  An ideal situation would be for you to maybe publish another article that is more factually accurate, further clarifying the situation.

Your interviewee Leonie Watson works for a respected agency in the field of web accessibility. I suspect that her comments have been taken slightly taken out of context as the way they are presented; they fly in the face of the work of most accessibility experts, both in this country and throughout the world.

The truth of the matter is that Cascading style sheets (CSS) are the most commonly prescribed way to make web pages more accessible.  They have been in existence since 1996 and have been widely supported for the best part of this century to.  They give the ability to separate page style from content.  Users can be given the ability to switch style sheets or even use their own, allowing whatever colour contrast or screen appearance to be applied to meet their particular needs.

On the other hand, many instances of inaccessible web sites are a result of the inappropriate use of Flash technology.  Leonie Watson was right in saying that it can be used to great effect to produce an accessible web site, however this is currently by far and away the exception rather than the rule.  The JK Rowling site is one of the very few that can be quoted as being a good example.

Maybe in the future, when looking for a spectrum of views to produce a balanced and informed article it may be best to contact an organisation such as the web standards group, who will be able to put you in contact with a variety of expert advice.

They can be found at http://webstandardsgroup.org/

On 30/10/06, Peter Firminger < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Click" is on at 2:30am (Australian Eastern Summer time) on BBC World (Foxtel Digital ch 606).
I'll take a look (hopefully it's the right program).
It may be better coming from the UK members though. Wanna draft something up and send it to me or post it as a resource?
We can then add member names to it as a petition or something.

From: listdad@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:listdad@webstandardsgroup.org] On Behalf Of Rob Kirton
Sent: Monday, 30 October 2006 23:06
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Flash is more accessible than CSS?

It would be good if the WSG produce a response which could be signed up to by a large majority of the members.  This then could be forwarded by each member in agreement to the appropriate contact at the BBC, so amplifying the message.  It may get to the attention of the BBC editorial staff and generate some publicity for both web standards and of course the WSG

WSG as a lobby group anyone ?

- Rob

On 30/10/06, Patrick H. Lauke <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Quoting Web Dandy Design <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:

> The BBC did ask for feedback so it maybe worth trying to give a balanced
> opinion and correct some of the inaccuracies of the article/broadcast.

Does "your article is a crock of misinformed sh*t" count as balanced?

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]
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Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force

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