On 11/2/06, Tony Crockford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Christian Montoya wrote:
> Otherwise I
> will just have to keep on assuming that these specters don't exist.

There are one or two font-size fanatics that will accuse you of not
respecting your users if you feel the need to set a font size other than

does that count?

As an example of the kind of empty talk I'm tired of, yes. That
statement doesn't say "who" these people are or where they said it.

I'm not saying this to open up a whole lot of finger pointing and
cause a whole lot of argument among list members. I'm not trying to
create friction at all. I'm just saying that if you open up a
discussion among a web-standards-community and give us a long
dissertation on the problems you have had with apparent
"standardistas," give us something tangible to show that these
"standardistas" exist. Otherwise we can't tell who said what, why what
was said, or get into why there may have been a misunderstanding in
the first place.

If it is something that was said on list, it's as easy as searching
the list archives and pointing us to the prior thread, which is
helpful for a lot of other reasons.

My whole reasoning for this is because most of the time (especially on
this list), what is said that is perceived as detrimental is actually
true, and we simply have to be able to take the range of opinions and
information posed by all the people involved and know how to make the
right choices.

So for the example you posed, at least you were specific in what was
said, and as it turns out from Rob's response:

Different users may
have an unusual default font-size set, if you set anything other than
the default font-size *on the body* it means they end up not getting the
size they wanted/need. You can set your different font-sizes on the
elements within at your leisure.

... there is some merit to what the font-size fanatics are saying and
there's something to be learned from addressing it.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... portfolio.christianmontoya.com

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