David Dorward wrote:
* Users with images turned off see nothing

This is a difficult one. I have a FF extension that disables flash by default (mostly to avoid downloading, seeing and hearing awful adverts), and in doing so I am resigned to occasionally seeing the site in ways the designer did not intend. I grumble at a lot of stuff, but when this deprives me of content and/or the rest of the site refers to things I don't understand, I blame only myself.

People who disable images fit into the same box as those people who attach !important to their custom stylesheets... They are aware that they are depriving themselves of the designer's intention. This philosophy can't be taken too far, but within reason I believe that, quite literally, we cannot cater for people who deliberately chose to turn off content.

For what it's worth, the instance I use this in has h1 as the site title and h2 as the section title - these things are already, to an extent, implicit, and hence not absolutely crucial to the viewer. Because I'm so used to developing sites with CMS, the page title and all crucial subordinate information cannot have this treatment. For example, I have objections to CSS zen garden in the way it has many sub-headings as images.

* Most browsers have a Minimum Font Size these days

That's what the colour and 'font-size:1px' properties are about. Granted, the text may still be visible. At least Firefox loves me back :).

Barney Carroll
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