Milosz - Your site's opening page took almost three minutes to load on a
dialup connection... b'bye.

I gave up trying to view sites after three successive 'you need flash'
notices... b'bye.

Judging by what I (finally) saw on your opening page I would guess that
the listed pages are quite beautiful but I'll never know.

Do flash designers congratulate their clients on being willing to give
up a significant proportion of their possible web-related profits for
the sake of art (through sites not being accessible, or simply too

I love beautiful sites - but I have to be able to see them before I can
appreciate them.


On Thu, 2007-02-01 at 20:06 +0000, Rob O'Rourke wrote:
> Milosz A. Lodowski - New Media Designer wrote:
> > Christian in your opinion - those sites are inaccessible... without 
> > any argues
> > I cannot agree so that's why I've asked...
> >
> Accessibility is making a site available and usable to the widest 
> possible audience, on as many user agents as possible. A lot of the 
> sites you've picked are pure flash, while these can be made somewhat 
> accessible (e.g. making the text selectable and perhaps some text 
> resizing options, not playing loud music as soon as I open the site, I 
> don't really know much more about making flash accessible...) the point 
> is these sites will never be as accessible as properly done html/css 
> sites. I couldn't use most of those sites from my mobile phone for 
> example, whereas with html a stylesheet with a media type of 'handheld' 
> could be implemented with no changes to the html.
> Basically you can only use most of those sites if you can see and are 
> using a mouse. There are lots of levels to accessibility that I'm still 
> plumbing the depths of. In terms of the web 
> usability/accessibility/code/design all need to work together in the 
> right balance because its kind of an omni-media. You can't lump it into 
> any one category other than 'web'.
> And, like Christian says I'm not sure what you're asking this list for 
> with regards to those sites or your idea... Do you want to discuss web 
> standards and accessibility with regard to those sites? or do you just 
> want to know if we think they're pretty/usable?
> What is your opinion on web accessibility?
> Rob
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