Hi group,

This is my first post but I have been eavesdropping on most web related conversations for the past 6 months...

www.fagandesign.com.au/PROJECTS/UmamiByDesign/indexNew3.html <http://www.fagandesign.com.au/PROJECTS/UmamiByDesign/indexNew3.html> is a site I'm working on at the moment. I haven't validated the HTML or CSS yet but I've noticed an annoying problem when viewing the site in IE 5.5. I have seen this problem before on other sites I have built and thought its just about time to get some clarification.

The problem is in IE 5.5, the content of the page is left-aligned when it should be centered....I dare say on all recent browsers the content is behaving properly (works fine in IE 6.0 + 7.0).

Any ideas?

Christian Fagan
Fagan Design

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