On 08/02/07, Till Elsner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Reading this leads me to another question:
Since <font> is deprecated and should not longer be used, is there
any "replacement" for that? Any inline element that allows me to
format a piece of text? While <span> is technically possible, in my
opinion its not very semantic in this situation? Is there anything
just for specially styled text?

My personal feeling on this is that <span> is exactly the right element to
use, precisely because it has no semantic value. If you're just wanting to
change the look of some text in the middle of a paragraph for aesthetic
reasons, then there's no semantic information that you need to impart and
people who are not viewing your page with all the pretties available (either
because they're using a screen reader, a text browser, or are not using your
style sheet) are not going to be losing anything of value to them.

If, on the other hand, you are changing the look of the text because it's
needing some sort of emphasis for more than just purely visual reasons, then
I would put it in either <strong> or <em> tags and style them. That way,
users in the above-mentioned situations still won't get your pretties but
will at least get an indication of some sort that those words are standing
out from the ones surrounding them.



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