       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What to connect with other WSG members?

Linkedin WSG group:

Facebook WSG group:


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who
click on the links below and find that they are broken):

Download day 2008

IE8 Beta 2 Coming in August

The Wheres and Whens of Users' Expectations

Clean and pure CSS FORM design

International Address Fields in Web Forms

Migrating from WCAG 1.0 to WCAG 2.0

More css performance testing (pt 3)

Choosing the right tool

Grandfather builds Web browser for autistic grandson

Progressive enhancement of links using the CSS attribute selector

Developing your Descriptions - Part 1, The Problem

How the Web Was Won

Easy Vertical Centering with CSS

Is It OK to Require JavaScript?

CSS file structuring/keeping it together

Shifting from Content Management to Content Delivery

13+ Fantastic Tools For Knowing How They¹re Doing It


webDU 2008
Dates: 12-Jun-08 to 13-Jun-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
The latest in web development, tools and techniques ‹ catch up, meet
up and get inspired!

FUEL: Powering your business with the new web
Date: 13-Jun-08 
City: London (UK)
FUEL by Carsonified is a brand new one day conference aimed at small
businesses, marketers and those with an interest in using the new breed
of web tools to transform their business from routine to remarkable.
In one day we'll demystify "web 2.0" and provide you with a complete
online strategy, from building your reputation on the web to creating
passionate communities around your products and services. We will also
show you web design techniques that really work and offer you hints and
tips on how to streamline your productivity with the latest cool and
often free to use web apps. You will leave full of ideas, quick wins and
inspiration to take your projects and businesses to the next level. We've
gathered together industry pioneers who will explain exactly what you
need to be focusing on to achieve success and develop a truly remarkable and
standout business. Confirmed speakers include Ryan Carson (Carsonified),
Tara Hunt (Citizen Agency), Paul Boag (Headscape), Ted Hunt (Innocent
Smoothies), Alex Hunter (Virgin), Andrew Scott (Rummble) and Richard Moross
URL: http://www.fuel-conference.com

Information Architecture Essentials
Date: 18-Jun-08
City: Brisbane (Australia)
In this one-day workshop, Step Two will present the fundamentals of
information architecture (IA), the core methodology for organising and
designing websites and intranets. Key skills such as card sorting will be
taught, and this workshop is designed to build in-house information
architecture skills. A must for all web or intranet teams.

Web Usability Training Workshop
Date: 22 July 2008 Sydney
Description: Introduction to User Centred Design tools and techniques. As a
result of attending this one day course, participants will have a good
understanding of the value and importance of user centred design and have
the basic skills, knowledge and tools to apply the user centred design
approach to developing usable Internet sites, Intranet sites or web
applications within their own organisation.
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/web-usability.html

Usability Evaluation & Testing Training Workshop
Date: 23 July 2008 Sydney (Australia)
Description: Discount evaluation techniques and how to conduct usability
tests. In this one day interactive workshop, learn valuable usability
evaluation and testing methods that you can use to evaluate your
organisation's Internet and Intranet site, web applications and software.
This course will explore the difference between expert reviews and usability
testing and which is better to use and when. We will cover when to usability
test, what to test and how to test.
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/evaluation-and-testing.html

Interaction Design Training Workshop
Date: 29 May 2008 Brisbane (Australia)
Date: 2 July 2008 Canberra (Australia)
Date: 10 Sept 2008 Melbourne (Australia)
Description: Human characteristics and theoretical principles for usable web
applications, intranet and internet sites. Ever wonder why users don't
behave how you expect? Ever done usability testing or found usability issues
but didn't know how to fix them? This course will provide an insight into
human characteristics and online behaviour based on latest research and
hundreds of usability tests with users, including video footage of usability
test sessions. We will also cover the theory and principles of interaction
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/interaction-design.html
Web Application Design Training Workshop
Date: 28 May 2008 Brisbane (Australia)
Date: 1 July 2008 Canberra (Australia)
Date: 9 Sept 2008 Melbourne (Australia)
Processes and interface design fundamentals for designing usable web
applications. From internet banking, online learning, government
transactional sites to employee phonebooks, online projects increasingly
include elements of web application design. This course will explore the
value and limitations of building a web application and introduce a range of
tools, approaches and interface design principles to ensure that you
understand your audience and design intuitive and usable web applications.
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/web-applications.html

dConstruct 2008 (Brighton, UK)
Date: 5-Sep-08
City: Brighton (UK)
The hottest ticket in the web design calendar is back for it's fourth
instalment. This year dConstruct will see speakers such as Steven
Johnson, Daniel Burka, Joshua Porter and Jeremy Keith talk about
"Designing the Social Web." Tickets go on sale at 11am BST on the
24th June and usually sell out within a day, so stick a note in your
diary today.


No jobs this week... Send them in  fi you have them - from any country!

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me


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