       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who
click on the links below and find that they are broken):

Google Chrome, Google¹s Browser Project

A fresh take on the browser

Google on Google Chrome - comic book

How Captcha was foiled: Are you a man or a mouse?

When To Use Magazine-Style Themes For Blogs?

Introducing Ubiquity

Regex Patterns for Single Line CSS

Tagging is Not Just for Content

Two cheers for the Target/NFB accessibility settlement

Well Designed E-Commerce Websites

Microsoft breaks IE8 interoperability promise

Broken Promises

IE8 not defaulting to IE8 rendering after all

Site visit interviews: from good to great

Four Essential Skills for Information Architects: An Interview with Donna
(Maurer) Spencer

Open Flash Chart GWT Widget Library


SydneyPHP Users Group September meeting
Date: 4-Sep-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
or this meeting, we¹ll kick off our series introducing the new features
available in the upcoming PHP 5.3 release. and take a look at PHP
integration with IIS7.

dConstruct 2008 (Brighton, UK)
Date: 5-Sep-08
City: Brighton (UK)
The hottest ticket in the web design calendar is back for it's fourth
instalment. This year dConstruct will see speakers such as Steven
Johnson, Daniel Burka, Joshua Porter and Jeremy Keith talk about
"Designing the Social Web." Tickets go on sale at 11am BST on the
24th June and usually sell out within a day, so stick a note in your
diary today.

Webstock mini
Date: 9-Sep-08
City: Wellington (New Zealand)
Tuesday, 9 September, at the Paramount theatre in Wellington is the
place to be! We¹ve got a great Webstock mini planned and will be
launching Webstock 09. Speakers are Jonathan Mosen (blind accessibility
advocate and much more), Jefferson Fletcher (Senior Product Manager
working on Internet Explorer) and Kris Sowersby (font geek). We¹ll also be
announcing the speakers for Webstock 09 and giving away a
free ticket to the conference. All this, plus food and drink for only

Fronteers 2008 conference
Date: 11-Sep-08
City: Amsterdam
On September 11th and 12th, the Fronteers 2008 conference will take place in
Pakhuis De Zwijger in Amsterdam. This conference, organised for front-end
engineers by front-end engineers, will focus narrowly on CSS and JavaScript.

Date: 20-Sep-08 to 21-Sep-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
Oz-IA, Australia's Information Architecture Conference, will be on once
again this year. This is our third year, and it's going to be even bigger.
We will also have full and half day workshops on Thursday 18th and Friday
19th. We have an immediate call for participation - short or advanced
conference sessions, posters, panels, and workshop facilitators. Deadline:
July 25th.

CHISIG: August de los Reyes
Emotional Design and a Vision for Microsoft Surface
Date: 23 September 2008
City: Melbourne (Australia)
Description: A new inflection point in human-computer interaction is
upon us. Along with other technologies, Microsoft Surface marks a
departure from graphical user interface or GUI into the world of Natural
User Interface or NUI. This talk begins with discussion of emotional
design and its importance in the future of society. The lens shifts to
how one design team is thinking about designing for a new era in which
emotional intent and intuitive interaction are the imperative. Using
theoretical models drawn from a mix of history, science, philosophy, and
even video game design, this presentation reveals principles behind
experience design for Microsoft Surface and beyond.

Singularity Web Conference
Date:  24-Oct-08 to 26-Oct-08
City: everywhere
Singularity is the first large-scale online web conference in the world.
On October 24-26, join 100 of the world¹s top web visionaries, developers,
designers, thought leaders, and celebrities for three days of talks at this
seminal web event. Attend from home or from a real-world local conference
hub near you. Catch up with old friends (you can find them from your
existing social networks) and meet new ones. And you don¹t even have to take
time off work.

Web Directions South 2008
Date: 25-Sep-08 to 26-Sep-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
This year in over 30 sessions across 3 tracks and 2 days, plus another 2
days of workshops, we cover off front and back end design and development,
mobile design and development, information architecture, user experience and
interaction design, social media and networks, accessibility, Ajax and
Javascript, semantic web, RIAs, web application security, marketing and
advertising online and so much more. With speakers including:
* Jeffrey Veen - renowned UX expert from Wired, Adaptive Path, Google
* Derek Featherstone - leading accessibility expert
* Daniel Burka - interaction designer for Digg
* Jina Bolton - The Art and Science of CSS
* Douglas Crockford - Ajax security expert at Yahoo!, and the world's
leading JavaScript authority
* Jeff Croft - web design and typography guru
* Lynne D Johnson - Senior Editor and Community Director at FastCompany

Intranets 2.0
Date: 29-Oct-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
 With case studies and practical tips from Australia's leading organisations
(including Sunguard NZ, Sparke Helmore, TabCorp, AMP and more!), this
one-day conference will demonstrate how organisations are weaving social
media tools into their existing intranet framework to enhance functionality
and create two-way communication.

Taxonomies 2.0
Date: 30-Oct-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
During the course of this intensive one day event, an expert line-up of
speakers (including University of Melbourne, Sensis, Blake Dawson Waldon,
Department of Water WA and more!) will talk you through the steps you need
to take in order to exploit the benefits of social media when related to
your organisational taxonomies. Taxonomies are a fundamental part of your
information architecture for the management and organisation of content.
With the introduction of 2.0 tools and applications, their importance has
never been so prevalent.

Ozchi 2008
Date: 8-Dec-08 to 12-Dec-08
City: Cairns (Australia)
OZCHI is Australia and New Zealand's leading forum for work in all areas of
human-computer interaction. As the annual conference for the Computer-Human
Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA), OZCHI attracts an international
community of researchers and practitioners with a wide range of interests,
including usability, information architecture, interaction design, human
factors and ergonomics, human-computer interaction, information systems,
software engineering, artificial intelligence, design, social sciences and
management. The long and short papers accepted in the conference will be
included in the proceedings of the ACM Digital Library.


Job 1
News Digital Media in Sydney
>From the job description:
"The Front End/Javascript Developer is responsible for web standards based
development across the News Digital Media sites with a focus on javascript
and AJAX development. This will involve working closely with producers,
designers, the CMS development team and other Front End Developers to come
up with creative solutions for web standards, accessibility, and Search
Engine Optimisation issues that affect the News Digital sites." This is a
pure frontend role working on news (as in newspaper) websites. For details
or to apply email CV to Ben Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or apply
online at 

Job 2
Web Coordinator

Public Affairs Officer Level 2 (APS 6): $65 445 - $72 099

The National Water Commission requires a Web Coordinator to manage its
website functionality, content development and online products. This will
involve researching, sourcing and writing new content, as well as uploading,
formatting and editing content within a Content Management System. In doing
this, you will assess target audience needs, develop usable navigation
structures and ensure that web products meet government and accessibility
guidelines. You will require demonstrated knowledge of web communication
trends and experience in delivering online services, preferably by using
Content Management Systems. Sound editing skills and the ability to write
effectively are essential. A knowledge of and interest in water reform
and/or natural resources management is desirable. As a Public Affairs
Officer you will work as part of a small and busy Communications team that
delivers a range of communications activities and products to internal and
external clients. You will have the opportunity to contribute to corporate
communication and event management activities. Selection documentation:

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me


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