       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
Hi all,

For the last three "links for light reading" I have forgotten to include
AWIA's amazing "Edge of the Web" under upcoming events. So, with apologies
to all concerned, here is the info!

Edge of the Web
Dates: 6-Nov-08 to 7-Nov-08
City: Perth (Australia)

Featuring exciting national and international speakers, Edge of the Web
brings a world-class web conference experience to Western Australia this
November 6 & 7.

The Edge of the Web conference is a brought to you by the Australian Web
Industry Association and Red Horizon Events.

Edge of the Web 2008 aims to set a benchmark in the West Australian web
development community as a hallmark event on the Perth calendar. The
conference program offers a diverse range of leading edge and highly topical
content focusing on key areas of current web development best practise, such
as usability and accessibility and current web trends such as social
networking and open data exchange.

Edge of the Web includes a one day, two track conference on Thursday 6th
November and a day of technical workshops on Friday 7th November. AWIA have
secured an outstanding line up of international and national speakers to
present at the conference and like the WA Web Awards, AWIA¹s Edge of the Web
Conference will establish itself as a Œmust attend¹ annual event.

PS: Are there other events I have forgotten about or events you'd like to
Let me know

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