What is the website for the Logisystems controllers?


-----Original Message-----

From:  damon henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: [ElectricMotorcycles] New News and about axe 7245R1alltraxcontroller
Date:  Thu May 15, 2008 9:48 am
Size:  2K
To:  ElectricMotorcycles <listserv@electricmotorcycles.net>

You may be correct although from the message I can't tell if they got that far 
or not.  I've never tried to upgrade the firmware on one of these controllers 
and I'm not sure what would cause them to want to do that.  I usually just take 
them out of the box and install them as is, although I may tweak a few 
Speaking of these, I just blew another one up.  That makes a total of 3 that I 
have toasted and I've never got any feedback from Alltrax as to why.  This was 
the one I had in my truck and it's only been on the road for a few months and 
about 1000 miles.  I have not had an issue with Alltrax on warranty 
replacements, but I would rather that they keep the magic smoke in.  I also 
hate to just toss a new one back in without changing anything when I don't know 
why it let go in the first place.
I just got permission from the wife to buy a new 1000 amp Logisystems 
controller for the truck.  The 7245 was adequate for the little Datsun and gave 
me some good test information, but when I first bought it my thought was to 
eventually go with something bigger in the truck and upgrade the 4845 on my 
motorcycle, so it looks like that is what I will be doing.  The truck should go 
from feeling like a stock 1970 Datsun 4 banger to being a real beast..  It's 
going to be a lot of fun to drive :-)
The weather has turned nice here, so I have been out on the motorcycle.  It's 
been fun riding it again after giving it the winter off.

> Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 09:34:55 -0400> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> listserv@electricmotorcycles.net> Subject: [ElectricMotorcycles] New News and 
> about axe 7245R1 alltrax controller> > > > > My guess is since the problem 
> started with the firmware upgrade that the> download was munged and the 
> controller is bricked.> > > In other news, I registered my Lectra today. I 
> had to explain why it had> no CC's and no cylinders and was not a moped. They 
> called the state and> the state just said just go with it. Not painful at all 
> although to get> vanity plates (I hope to get AMPS) I have to go to the state 
> office.> > jv> > > > On Thu, May 15, 2008 8:54 am, Mike wrote:> > Hey Guys,> 
> >> > I just got this email from Aam. He's having problems and I'm not sure> > 
> what's going on. I thought I'd toss it out to the smarties on the list.> > 
> He's not on the list so please either cc the list or reply to him, n
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