Hello Everyone,


I just got in this evening.

Sorry I didn't make it to the Park Vista Auto Show.

I really wanted to be there, but there just wasn't enough time to get back
from Tampa.

My eBox was exhibited at the reception, along with a number of other battery
electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

Charles was there with the Vectrix people; I stayed on through the last day
for a ride and drive with some of the attendees.
The conference was very interesting, and I made some good contacts to
promote electric vehicles.


The Volt was there; I was not impressed.

The Volt has no motor; it's just a pretty box with wheels.

The representative who was there with the car told me GM wasn't even going
to use that body style.

So, what's the point?

The representative also told me GM was moving the production date from 2012
to 2010, with a different body style.

I think the decision makers at GM have waffles for breakfast.




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