
Here are Mr. Senator Obamas remarks on energy from meeet hte press today.

My opinion we don't need 150 Billion in research.  We need Renewable energy 
from solar, wind, geo thermal, and tidal.  We need plugin cars now.

With 150 billion, at a cost of $50,000 each, we could give away 3 million 

Al Lococo 

MR. BROKAW:  As painful as it is, is the idea of $4 gasoline a good thing in a 
way because it's forced the country to confront finally the idea that we do 
have an energy crisis, and it's forcing Detroit to retool its line of 
automobiles, make them more energy efficient.

SEN. OBAMA:  Right.

MR. BROKAW:  People are driving less now.  In some states, there's an 
indication that maybe even traffic deaths are down.

SEN. OBAMA:  Yeah.  Well, I do not think that high gas prices are a good thing 
for American families.  I mean, I've, I've met teachers who have quit their 
jobs because the school where they were teaching was just too far.  It was 
consuming too much of their income.  I've met people who lost their job and 
couldn't go on a job search because they couldn't fill up the gas tank. 
Ordinary families are under extraordinary stress as a consequence of these high 
gas prices, so we need to do what we can to bring those prices down, but...

MR. BROKAW:  But there's no easy answer for that on a short term.

SEN. OBAMA:  ...but there, but there, but there isn't, and, and that's what I 
was about to say.  The, the fact of the matter is that we should have, over the 
last 20 years, been planning for this day.  I have been an advocate for raising 
fuel efficiency standards for years, something that John McCain has opposed.  
Had we taken those steps, we would not be in the same situation that we're in 
right now, the fact that all the big three U.S. automakers are getting 
hammered.  Had we worked with them to adjust and retool to adapt to this 
market, we would not be losing as many jobs as we're losing right now. That's, 
that's all hindsight.  Going forward, what we have to do is we do have to 
continue to push to make cars much more fuel efficient, and I think that the 
direction of hybrid plug-ins, where we can get a hundred miles per gallon of 
gas because we've developed battery technology and created a new electricity 
grid, that can make a huge difference.  Industrial use of oil, we can change 
that.  That's why I want to put $150 billion, $15 billion a year, into all 
these new technologies, research and development.  We have to have the same 
approach that John Kennedy said, "We're going to the moon in 10 years." We 
should be saying, "In 10 years time, we're going to be cutting our oil 
consumption drastically." That will bring down, by the way, the price of oil 
for when we do need to use it.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 12:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [FLEAA] Sarasota meeting

  This morning, Sunday, 7/27, I watched "Meet the press." In case you didn't 
see this, it was an interview with senator Obahma.
  Amongst all of the rhetoric, he said, if he is elected president, he would 
look into alternate energy sources. Mainly hybrid plug in Vehicles, battery R & 
D, etc.

  The interesting thing was, he said, "He woulld allocate billions to subsidise 
companies who engaged in this "new" technology."

  How would he implement this? By RFQ? To who? Companies, individuals? I have 
no idea what he is focussing on. Outside of the presidency, of course.

  Andrew, these is just my response and thoughts.

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