The organisation I am working for at the moment has an Active Directory set
up of Users and Contacts.

Running a ldifde query to output all Users and Contacts (below) provides me
a list of 936 items.

ldifde -f usersindomain.csv -r

If I use this query within the Import Connection in the SSP in Central
Administration .

[image: image]<>

When I start a full import I only receive 894 user profiles.

[image: image]<>

This coincides with if I run, although I only get 892.

ldifde -f usersindomain.csv -r

So it looks like it is just ignoring the Contact's. Running:

ldifde -f usersindomain.csv -r

...returns 44 items. 892 + 44 = 936 which makes sense, but who are the other
2 User Profiles being imported?

Looking at the User Profile Crawl Log I receive errors:

[image: image]<>

So basically it appears that it cannot support this objectClass.

This is a shame because I am really pushing our organisation to use Out of
the Box functionality as much as possible for various reasons. Customising
this would require managing the Contacts in Active Directory using the API
and maintaining that they stay in sync with the the User Profiles Repository
within SharePoint. This means designing, developing, testing and maintaining
yet another application on top of the SharePoint platform.
My understanding of Business Data Catalogue (BDC) functionality is that it
can only extend on a base subset of profile data. So you can crawl in from
Active Directory the Users and if there are properties stored about that
User in another repository outside of Active Directory, you can match using
an identifier and update the property in the User Profile.
It cannot create "Users" that exist in the secondary repository mapped by
BDC that are not in Active Directory, it's purely an extension.

If anyone knows a solution for this please feel free enlighten me ;-)

Jeremy Thake

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