Not sure if this made it through to the list when I sent it before (I didn't
get it in my Inbox, anyway) so apologies if this is a duplicate...

Hi all!

I need to find a way to be able to add dynamic columns to a document
library.  For example, if the user selects a particular value in Column X,
then Column Y displays; if they select a different value in Column X, then
Column Z will appear.

So far I have decided to create a Content Type containing all the possible
columns, but I'm having trouble working out how to implement the dynamic
UI.  I have been toying with the idea of creating a Web Part that handled
the various controls for the columns, but I'm stuck on how I would get a
reference back to the current document item so I can bind the values to it.
Are there any ways I can do this?  Or any better ways to do what I need to

I am still pretty new to SharePoint, so any suggestions how to would be much


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