Thanks for the input guys.

Stephen there's a step by step guide on msdn to do pretty much exactly what 
you're talking about J

Downloading Content on Demand (Silverlight 2)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen Price
Sent: Friday, 16 May 2008 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] Ways of reading XML files?

I'm going through these questions myself right now.

I've got some image files and some XML files. I tried putting everything into 
the xap file. It ended up 5Mb (I've cut it down to 1Mb) which doesnt seem very 
much but would you believe I'm shaped at the moment so it was REALLY noticable. 
You don't want to be hitting a "web site" and have to wait over a minute to 
load it. You would lose about 99% of your users from them getting impatient and 
clicking close.

So after removing the duplicate images from the file (I could also make the 
images smaller/higher compression but would rather I didnt have to), I decided 
to move the images into the ClientBin and change the Build Action from Content 
to None (with copy if newer). The application loads much faster but now when I 
click throught he content there is a delay as the images get downloaded when 
needed rather than all at the start. It's a trade off, do you download 
everything at the start or only when they need it. The later is better on 
bandwidth but the app doesnt flow as nice if it is downloading images.

I wonder if there is a way to predownload the images... I've not yet looked at 
the WebClient for downloading files. I would like to have a package (zip file?) 
which contains the "content" and have the essentials of the app in the xap. 
Then I'd have the best of both worlds. If I'm downloading a file I'm assuming 
it only gets downloaded once and then I can pull resources out of it as many 
times as I want?

using WebClient to download the file and then GetResourceStream to get the 
contents out of it, right?

Having fun here. :)

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Ola Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>> wrote:

Hi people,

I'm hoping to pick your brains on  the "best way" of reading an XML file in SL 
2. J

I've seen a few different approaches floating around on the web and I've listed 
some below.

*         Add the XML document as an Embedded resource in the Silverlight 
project and then use XDocument.Load

*         Add the XML document to the Silverlight project and use the Webclient 
class, with a  relative path from the ClientBin directory.

*         Add the XML document to the Web project calling the Silverlight 
project and use the HttpWebRequest class with a absolute path to the file.

The way I understand it, if you embed the resource it will get downloaded in 
the .xap file and I guess if it's a small file this could be appropriate?

In regards to the two other I don't know if there's a difference but using the 
HttpWebRequest seems like overkill if you're just reading in a simple file?

Basically I was hoping to get some thoughts and pointers on when what approach 
might be applicable.


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