*I'm sitting on my boat with the laptop on the dinette and a wireless 
mouse/keyboard connected.  When I need to eat, I place the keyboard next 
to me and use the keyboard on the laptop.  Earlier today I  was eating 
lunch and trying to view slashdot.  I noticed that when I'd attempt to 
scroll down, it was kinda random as to what actually happened.  
Sometimes it would return to the top of the page and sometimes back to 
the previous page without me touching the keyboard/mouse.    I figured 
that slashdot was doing something strange again that Chrome couldn't 
handle.  Then I noticed a small data entry window at the bottom of the 
screen with a bunch of plus signs.  I really got confused then, so I 
clicked on the chrome window and proceeded to use the page down button 
(on the laptop) to continue to view the page.  A bit later, while still 
enjoying lunch I went to a OO calc window and found a cell that had 
hundreds of plus signs entered.    I really didn't know what was going 
on.  I went off to do something else and caught site of the slashdot 
window being repainted very rapidly with the next page.  Finally I 
looked at the wireless keyboard and found my big tomcat had decided to 
use it as a pillow!

Note to self, take batteries out of keyboard before disuse.


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