
I just found this detailed commentary. It leaves exact locations up in the
air, but gives a well-rounded picture. CBS also reports that the USS
Kearsage Amphibious Landing Group has moved to the Eastern end of the Suez
Canal. She has USMC Harrier jets embarked plus a Marine EU.

"Sending a clearer public message about the requirement to evacuate
Americans from Egypt would have been advisable as well.  Readers of
DEBKAfile <http://www.debka.com/article/20646/> learned last week that the
USS *Kearsarge* (LHD-3) amphibious group arrived in the Great Bitter Lake,
at the southern entrance to the Suez Canal, and speculation was rampant as
to what this meant.  As outlined at the first link above, *Kearsarge* could
be there for multiple reasons, but chief among them are (a) the potential
need to evacuate large numbers of Americans with armed security provided by
the Marine Corps, and (b) the fact that the *Kearsarge* group has been
deployed since August 2010 and is due to return home – to the East coast,
through the Suez Canal.

It’s hard to say whether the question mark over Canal security was a factor
in USS *Enterprise *(CVN-65) remaining in the Mediterranean during the last
week, but it may have been.  I doubt it was the primary factor:  we probably
wanted to have a carrier on-call in the Med once Egypt erupted.  It’s not
clear whether *Enterprise* has, in fact, gone through the Canal at this
point, but the US Navy website now lists her as being attached to the US
Fifth Fleet.  That could mean either that she is sitting in Port Said on the
Mediterranean side of Egypt, waiting to go through the Canal, or that she is
in transit or has just completed it.

the East coast on 13 January and arrived
in Lisbon, Portugal
<http://www.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=58273>for a port
visit the day after the first major demonstration in Egypt on the
25th.  After entering the
Med<http://www.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=58296>on 31
January, she conducted
the central Med.  From there she transited to a port visit in
started on 8 February.  Her port
visit in 
reportedly for four days.

*Enterprise* has been scheduled to head to Southwest Asia – the Persian
Gulf/Indian Ocean area – where San Diego-based USS *Carl Vinson* (CVN-70) is
USS *Abraham Lincoln* (CVN-72), which has been deployed since September, has
concluded operations
<http://www.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=58575>there and is
probably heading for home port in Bremerton, Washington (no
doubt with stops for R&R along the way).

All of these forces are on scheduled deployments.  But there is wild and
largely inaccurate speculation about them, and there are no statements from
the Obama administration to clarify what their presence means wherever they
happen to show up.  Providing this clarification is not a matter of chasing
around after gray-hull sightings, offering explanations; it should be done
by separate political statements of US interests. Because Egypt’s government
is in flux – i.e., an important geopolitical condition has changed – US
interests and policy priorities need stating.

No reference at all need be made to military forces.  And when the questions
about them start to come, the administration can say, “Well, we don’t talk
about those specifics.  I’ve stated what our concerns are.  I’m confident we
can address any contingencies that might crop up, but there’s nothing to be
specific about right now.  We’ll work with Egypt to ensure that the Canal
stays open and safe and that the peace accord in the Sinai is honored.”

If the *Kearsarge* group, with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit embarked,
has been supporting evacuation operations, a public commendation would be

Ron Rogers
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