
Not justifying Nazi. Just stating fact as recounted on The Military Channel. 
"U-boat War in the Atlantic". Plays various times. Our firing on U-boats 
documented. As was Donitz response. 

You are apparently looking to pick a fight and I simply don't care. Glad you're 
not my cosultant. 

Will not respond further. No need. You know more than the experts writing the 

Gregg S/V Neverland

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 2, 2011, at 11:52 AM, Ben Okopnik <> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 10:57:41AM -0600, Gregg Dennhardt wrote:
>> Norm:
>> Dornitz had standing instructions early in the war for his U-Boat
>> Captains to give aid.
> I'm not sure where you got that idea, but it makes no sense whatsoever.
> A U-boat - which is a small, confined environment which is already
> cramped to the maximum - cannot render anything resembling useful aid to
> a ship that they just sank, which may have had hundreds of men aboard.
> In addition (and I had occassion to read the
> "Unterseebootkommandantenhandbuch", the "U-Boat Commander's Handbook",
> fairly recently), the Germans were very aware of just how vulnerable a
> U-Boat was, and that it could be disabled by even minimal damage such as
> produced by small-arms fire; there's no possible way that they would
> have been told to closely approach an enemy who was not completely
> disabled - i.e., dead. The instructions in the U.Kdt.Hdb., e.g., those
> for taking a ship as a prize, make that exceptionally clear.
>> But as I recall this was taken back when Allies
>> straffed a U-Boat doing so off if Africa. They had communicated their
>> intent but apparently this never was received by our Air Crews. The
>> mistake, afterwards, resulted in no more aid being offered.
> I'm going to grant you the benefit of the doubt here, and say that
> you're laboring under a misconception (rather than trying to apologize
> for the "noble" Nazis.) There was nothing like a pretty "honor among
> gentlemen" agreement implied in this type of warfare; sub warfare was
> *intended* to be as furtive as possible, and striking with no warning
> was not a preference but the only possible means of sinking the Allied
> ships and murdering the men aboard. Again, this is made exceptionally
> clear in the sub manual.
> This is not a comment on modern Germans, but the people who initiated
> the use of poison gas in warfare can have no possible claim on anything
> like honor or fairness. The "noble Aryan race" was just a myth, and one
> that was more poisonous than that gas in its effects, both for Germany
> and the rest of the world. Trying to ascribe high motives to them is, at
> the very least, macabre and distasteful.
>> As for the monstrosities you are correct. Iin war all sides of a
>> conflict often engage in such.
> We aren't discussing a tit-for-tat, "both sides" situation; there's a
> reason that shooting a criminal in your house is not called "murder" but
> "self-defense". Germany began a war of aggression, and practiced almost
> every evil known to man: genocide, wholesale murder, organized torture,
> on and on. Vileness of the sort that the Nazis brought into being
> deserved to be stamped out by any means whatsoever - and the people who
> destroyed them, no matter the means, are heroes. I won't go into the
> details, but I am completely clear on the meaning of what I've said: *no
> matter the means*.
> Yes, horrible things are done in war. I know all about it; my father was
> in it (they dug 20 shell fragments out of him, and had to leave 2 of
> them in, since they were too close to the brain for wartime surgery to
> be of use), and my uncle died at the front. I'm a Russian Jew of a
> generation that was directly affected by WWII; I had relatives who died
> in the labor camps, I've seen the ruins of the cities - *every single
> person I knew growing up* had lost someone. Try to comprehend the scope
> of that. That's a bit different from reading about it in books, where
> you can draw any picture you like; reality is stark and exceptionally
> clear, and doesn't leave much to the imagination.
> I suggest that it would be best to avoid saying anything that even
> smells of justification for the Nazis' acts. They're not in any way
> defensible.
> Ben
> -- 
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